
Friday, July 22, 2011

Rubber Soul

Rubber Soul
The Beatles
Released in 1966

      First off, let me tell you, I'm going to be very critical in all my Beatles reviews because, besides "Yellow Submarine" I'd give all of them 5 stars. Therefore, I'm going to rate them on the "Beatle-Scale".
Ok, now that that's through... I love Rubber Soul. I'm a musician, and I normally make AOR albums.
AOR stands for Album Oriented Rock, which means it's written to be part of an album, and not a single.
Now, RS is not an AOR album, but it started a phase where albums were seen to be more important than the singles released from it (Something the Beatles never did anyway.) Rubber Soul, as said by Mr. Brian Wilson, is the first rock album with NO FILLER. All the tracks are great, and were important to the writers.

   The album begins with 2 of my favorite Beatle songs, Drive My Car, and Norwegian Wood (a close number 1 behind "A Day in the Life" and "Strawberry Fields Forever".) and continues with hits like "Nowhere Man" and "Girl" from John and "Michelle" from Paul. The music is complex and reminds me alot of "Revolver"
The Fab's next album. George once said "Rubber Soul and Revolver were like Part 1 and 2" and I agree. That's a good thing. Revolver is one of my favorite albums, and that right there says good things about Rubber Soul.

   The only "bad" thing I can find on the album is the last song "Run for Your Life" which, while catchy and fun, is a bad way to end, "In My Life" would have fit much better. But, hey that's only my opinion.
Overall.... what's that? You're already leaving to buy it? Good! GO BUY IT NOW!

Recommended Listens:

  • In My Life
  • Michelle
  • Girl
  • Norwegian Wood
  • Nowhere Man

***** out of 5! (5 in Beatle-Score as Well!)

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